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Cultural Resource Bank Stabilization

This project site was a culturally significant area along the Missouri River, Lake Oahe that contained highly valued Native American artifacts dating back hundreds of years.

Erosion from the varying river levels had exposed and removed many Fire Rings, Ancient Bison bones, Native American Remains and other important artifacts. In an effort to protect these artifacts, DLM Contracting, Inc utilized fieldstone as a riprap barrier to stabilize a bank that showed signs of detrimental erosion.

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  • Prime Contractor: DLM Contracting, Inc.
  • Year: 2009
U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers - Omaha District 1616 Capitol Avenue - Contracting
Omaha NE 68102
Cody Nickolas
Tel: 605-224-5862 Ext 3272
Fax: 605-224-5945

Eric Stasch
Tel: 605-224-5862 Ext 3000
Fax: 605-224-5945
  • Contract Estimate: $1,173,445.02
  • Final Contract Billed: $551,807.00
$622,000 Under Budget